The Morning Bowel Movement: Expert Answers If Timing Matters For Your Health

Starting your day with a trip to the bathroom is a routine most of us follow, but have you ever wondered if there’s a special benefit to having a bowel movement first thing in the morning? For many, it’s a natural part of their morning ritual, almost as automatic as brushing their teeth. But is there more to this early-morning routine than meets the eye? We spoke to our expert Dr Madhumidha K, MBBS, MD (Internal Medicine), Apollo Spectra Hospital, Chennai, who explained whether it is important to have bowel movements in the morning.
Why Timing Matters?
The body has a central clock known as the circadian rhythm in the medical field that regulates and times various body functions. Bowel movement is no exception.
“After waking up, the body changes from resting to being active, and consequently, the entire digestive system also warms up to the day. With this warm-up, the body initiates a bowel movement in some people. Many people follow a routine, and therefore, bowel movements are almost automatic, taking place easily each morning,” said Dr Madhumidha.
Benefits of Morning Bowel Movements
Here are some benefits of morning bowel movements as listed by the expert:
Consistency and Regularity
“There are benefits of establishing a time of day that normally is set aside for bowel movements. If someone regularly has bowel movements each morning, it can be a sign of good digestive health and contribute to overall bowel regularity,” said Dr Madhumidha.
According to a 2020 study, Bowel Movement Frequency (BMF) can be a simple indicator of healthy colonic function and may reflect lifestyle factors, such as diet and exercise, as well as individual characteristics like gut microbiota. Monitoring BMF could help in the prevention and early detection of diseases.
Less Disruption
Neutralising the need to defecate in the morning will further give you the privilege of negating potential disruptions around the daily schedule. A morning bowel movement can set a good tone for the rest of the day, giving less chance of needing to find time later in the schedule when time could be much constrained.
Also Read: Bowel Endometriosis: Expert Shares Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, And Prevention
Better Digestion
“The elimination of waste effectively plays a crucial role in the general health of the body. If the body is routine in its behaviour, this contributes to the boosting of the digestion process, which improves the absorption of nutrients and leads to a generally healthy gut,” added Dr Madhumidha.
Mental Well-Being
There is also a psychological factor to it. A successful morning passage can add to well-being and satisfaction, as it makes one feel lighter and less burdened by digestive issues.
Factors That Affect the Timing of the Bowel
The timing of bowel movements can vary and be affected by various factors, such as diet, state of hydration, and lifestyle. Thus, a breakfast rich in fibre with good hydration can enhance bowel function, rendering it more probable in the morning. At the same time, poor dietary choices or stress may bring in erratic shifts in bowel habits and timing, with bowel output at the most unexpected time.
Also Read: Irritable Bowel Syndrome VS Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Expert Explains The Difference Between The Two
When To Worry
“If you can never open your bowels in the morning, it’s likely time to address your entire digestive health. Consult your healthcare provider if you experience either diarrhoea or constipation. They can give you insight into underlying issues and recommend ways to improve regularity,” highlighted Dr Madhumidha.
Dr Madhumidha concluded, “Ultimately, having a morning bowel movement can be beneficial, but it’s at the expense of what individual needs and routines dictate. Some people have bowel activities at different times of the day by nature; it’s perfectly normal. The key is to make everything regular and make sure that the digestive system remains in a state that guarantees overall health.”
However, it’s not a hard-and-fast rule: what matters is a healthy diet, hydration, and listening to your body. For some people, the best way to set this routine is by waking up and emptying the bowels, resulting in better digestive health and daily comfort in the long run.
[Disclaimer: This article contains information provided by an expert and is for informational purposes only. Hence, we advise you to consult your own professional if you are dealing with any health issues to avoid complications.]
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